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Writer's pictureKenyatta Honeycutt

The Power (Pleasure) Of A Praying Wife

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

We've all heard that there "power" in being a prayerful, dutiful wife. I have found that much pleasure can be found in going before the Lord on behalf of your spouse...but it is a practice.

For many of us, prayer is a daily routine. For many of it is not. For those of us who are wanting to further understand the benefits of prayer, may I suggest that one can find great pleasure and a bit of self preservation in pray for others...particularly those closest to you (i.e. YOUR SPOUSE).

Prayer is an opportunity to express what is on your heart and advocate for divine assistance. Prayer can prepare your heart and mind for challenging every difficult thought that may come your way.

We all use prayer for different things from desperation and despair to a daily habit. I have found that though any reason is a good reason to pray, (speak to your Creator) when I have a better understanding of my purpose, I can fully commit and expect that the outcome will be most impactful. Here are a few guided thoughts that can be used when going to God in prayer on behalf of your spouse or significant other. They all have one thing in common: Gratitude.

Gratitude for what you have

I will be content in my current season.

"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Philippians 4:11 KJV.

Starting your prayer with thankfulness helps to put your heart and mind in a posture to be hopeful for a good outcome. Think about what you enjoy about your spouse and mediate on how they add value to your life. Reaching back to things you enjoyed when you first fell in love can be a great way to open the part of your thoughts that may have been forgotten. Use words that are affirming to both you and your spouse and remember what brought you together.

"God, thank you for Your unconditional love for both me and my husband. You have created him to be an amazing leader, hard worker, and creative thinker. I ask that you would bless us today as we work hard to provide a good life for our family."

Gratitude in spite of challenges

I will acknowledge that though things may not be perfect in my relationship, I thank God that there is always room for improvement, but it starts with me.

Telling the truth about how you feel can provide relief, especially when you are telling your Creator and Savior. Avoid getting stuck in speaking negative thoughts without acknowledging that God has the power to make things better.

" And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 KJV

Just by offering a word of prayer you are starting the process of facing any and all challenges head on!

"Everyday we face challenges big and small, but we know that 'with You, nothing is impossible.'

Gratitude for the possibilities of things to come

I will celebrate the future

Facing uncertainty can be unsettling, to say the least. Prayer is not waving a magic wand and expecting that everything that is wrong will all of a sudden be made right. Prayer is an opportunity to express what is on your heart and advocate for divine assistance. Prayer can prepare your heart and mind for challenging and putting to rest every difficult thought that may come your way.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Celebrate what is possible. Say it out loud and make it know. Your marriage can look the way you hope it would and you will be better for it. #GeauxOnHoney , do it. You AND your relationship will be better for it!

"May our love grow deeper ever day as You grant us time to spend intimately with one another with time and desire to pray for one another. Be in the center of our marriage, Oh God, reign in our hearts, motivate our love, and guide our actions. In Jesus Name, Amen."

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